written by Edward Orlet

Government Affairs Update: Storms of September

Congress has returned from the August recess and the immediate concerns of hurricanes Harvey and Irma have postponed starting on the promised tax reform. In addition, President Trump has come to an agreement with Congressional Democrats that raises the ...

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written by Tom Naber

Electrical distributors embrace digitization

In his inaugural tED magazine column as NAED chair, Dan Dungan introduced his theme of “People. Process. Products.” Dan addressed the importance of digitization and the need for real-time, multilevel data to make intelligent business decisions, and he ...

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written by Edward Orlet

Government Affairs Update: Status of Healthcare

Last week the Senate failed to pass the "skinny" repeal of Obamacare. The vote was 49-51, with Senators Collins (R-ME), McCain (R-AZ), and Murkowski (R-AK) joining all 48 Democrats in opposition. That may end the Senate's consideration of Obamacare ...

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written by Edward Orlet

Government Affairs Update: Tax Reform

Last Thursday, in this joint statement, the "Big Six," House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI), Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, National Economic Council Director Gary Cohn, Senate Finance Committee Chairman Orrin ...

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written by Edward Orlet

Government Affairs Update: House Ways and Means Comments

NAED recently sent comments to House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady and Tax Policy Subcommittee Chairman Peter Roskam on comprehensive tax reform.

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written by Edward Orlet

Government Affairs Issue Alert: Dodd-Frank

Last week House Financial Services Committee Chairman Rep. Jeb Hensarling (R-Texas) introduced and held a hearing on the Financial CHOICE Act which will repeal parts of Dodd-Frank. The bill would repeal the conflict minerals disclosure requirement for ...

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written by Catherine Viglione

Delivering Training That Matters

The word has been out for a few months now that NAED recommends a minimum amount of 40 hours of formal training for each employee every year. In order to come to that number the NAED Education & Research Foundation looked at industry standards, what ...

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written by NAED Education and Training Team

How Much is Enough Training?

During the Western Region Conference, NAED President & CEO Tom Naber spoke at the General Session about the training and education of staff. Mentioning that he is frequently asked, “How much is enough training?” He had the team at the NAED Education ...

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written by NAED Education and Training Team

5 Tips to Retain Great Employees

If you don’t want your best employees walking out the door, you need to have a strategy in place that meets their individual needs for career development, work/life balance, and recognition. Foster employee development. Your best employees must have the ...

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written by NAED Education and Training Team

5 Tips on Recruiting Through Social Media

Twitter. LinkedIn. Facebook. Love it or hate it – social media is here to stay! Recruiters have been turning to social media in order to help widen their pool of candidates. Here are 5 tips on how to use social media to your advantage as you recruit for ...

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